Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dear deployment (yeah, I'm bored)

Dear deployment,
First of all I want to say I understand that you are part of my husband's job and I fully accept that! I will not bitch, I will (try) not to complain, and I will keep my head held high! However, this does not mean that I won't cry over stupid miniscule things or get mad at a jar that won't open. It does not mean that I won't spray his cologne on my pillows at night and listen to "Home" by Chris Daughtry every night before I fall asleep. I also vow to keep my phone by my side at all times and never be disconnected from yahoo or his facebook updates (in the rare occassion that he actually gets online)! I will accept you, you damn deployment, and I will be glad to see the end of you. Until then I'm kind of at your mercy aren't I? I will not hold a grudge against you, because really it's not your fault, but that doesn't mean I have to like you. And I will deal with it every time you rear your ugly head in my direction. Oh well, this is life.
However, I must thank you. We've made it through Iraq, but that was such bad drama during that, that I only learned "bad lessons" about life and who not to be friends with this. But so far, you have treated me differently! I changed my brake light BY MYSELF for the first time in my life. No directions, no help, nothing. And guess what? The dang thing works! I've kept a smile on my face most of the time, haven't slept in, kept the house clean, and have managed to start working out on a pretty regular basis. Granted we're only 2 weeks in but so far so good! If this keeps up, Mike is going to come home to a wife with a smoking body (and also a wife that can change the brake light he couldn't) . And you are also paying for a down payment on Mike a new car and half the cost of some elective surgery for me. So yeah, not gonna hate on you too much. The other half, well that's coming from the job I have to get once I finish my school, which will be SOON. Have no doubt, I will become a better and stronger person because of you! So, don't think you have the best of me, b/c you don't! You never will.
Looking foward to seeing the end of you,

1 comment:

Jackelyn said...

Atta Girl! Tell that deployment who's boss!!