Tuesday, March 16, 2010

deployments and yoga....they fit right?

I've been needing to update this, but life is so boring right now that I don't really have that much to say. Mike made it to Afghanistan safely and I finally heard from him last night via yahoo and man was i ecstatic. I literally did my stupid little happy dance that just makes me look like a fool, but who cares? I talked to him. For like a whole 15 minutes. Excitement? I THINK SO!! We're only into day 6 of this deployment...as in 6 days since he left on the plane, not since he made it to "the hell hole" (yeah, decided that is my lovely nickname for that place) safely and that was a huge breath of fresh air.
In other news, I decided to try yoga for the first time today. Always thought about it, done everyother kind of workout, so why not that? I started with my 2 mile walk with the neighbor and the kids then came home and was all motivated. I popped in the dvd, still pumped, and got ready. Yoga mat? check. Water? check. Phone (in case Mike calls). check. Laptop in view in case he gets online? check, check, check. So I'm good to go Right?? HAHAHA. I made in through the warm up just fine. Even thought "man this isn't as hard as I thought it would be"..then the sun salutations or whatever the crap they're called started and OH MY GAWD, halfway through it felt like my body had been stretched into every direction imagineable and I was pretty sure I was going to fall apart. What happened to my dancer's grace I used to have? More so, where the hell did my sense of balance and centering go? Apparently it left me, because it sure wasn't with me today! So because of today's painful, clumsy, stretching, (un)pretzel like movements, improving my yoga is just yet another thing added to my deployment to-do list. I'll keep ya updated. But at this moment i'll just say oww and I really can't wait for the kids to go to bed so I can take a nice hot bath with aromatherapy salts :) (there's my silver lining).
Ok, that's it for now, I have a lot more to say but the kids are yelling for me to play a game with them so off I go! Update for ya soon. XOXO~me

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