The Really Long About Me Survey
by Darkwhispers
001. What is Your Name?
002. How old are you?
too old..ha, just 25
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?
you're on it and most of you are on my facebook
004. Where are you right at this moment?
on my couch
005. Choose 5 words to describe yourself
loving, silly, caring, goofball, mommy
006. Do you smoke?
yes, trying to quit
007. Do you drink?
sometimes, but not often when mike isn't home
008. Do you swear?
009. Do you have low self-esteem?
010. Do you get online a lot?
Yes, Mike is deployed, I get bored, and all my school work is online
011. Do you like taking pictures?
012. Do you like to have your picture taken?
if I'm having a ''pretty'' day
013. Would you ever date someone 5-10 yrs younger than you?
014. Would you ever date someone 5-10 yrs older than you?
Sure...but i'm married to the love of my life
015. Do you think you're weird or normal?
What's normal these days?
016. What do you like least about your body?
boobs and stomach, but that's being taken care of in 16 days. NOO 15 now
017. What do you like most about your body?
my legs and eyes
018. Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?
OH LORD...I've learned so many things I've done that i wasn't aware of it's insane. I wish my life was as interesting as people said it was
019. Do you prefer to hang out with one friend or a group of friends?
020. Who knows the most about you?
Mike, Jenn C, Mom and my MIL
021. Who do you trust the most with your secrets?
Jenn C
022. Name one person whose arms you feel safe in.
Have you ever?
023. Been in love?
024. Had your heart broken?
025. Spun until you were so dizzy you couldn't walk?
Yeah, ahh miss those days of childhood
026. Screamed so much you lost your voice?
027. Done something extremely unexpected?
All the time...i'm random like that
028. Been caught doing you weren't supposed to be doing?
Yup...that was a fun night
029. Been called a tease?
HEHE yeah
What what what?
030. What is your biggest fear?
besides the obvious of losing my kids or husband? CLOWNS!
031. What was your scariest dream?
The horrible "deployment" dreams. You ladies know what I mean
032. What was your best dream?
that's a secret ;)
033. What is your greatest strength?
Being able to do things on my own while Mike is gone and depending on only myself to take care of my children
034. Do you have any bad habits?
smoking, cursing
035. Do you think life has been good to you so far?
I'm thankful for everything the good Lord has given me
036. Do you have any piercings?
037. What does your underwear look like?
A mixture of a lot of them
Which do you prefer?
038. Jeans or dress?
039. Pizza or pasta?
040. Rich or happy?
041. Shower or bath?
shower...if I take a bath I shower right after
042. Family or friends?
my friends are my family
043. Kiss or hug?
both please ;)
044. Bright or dark room?
045. Chocolate or vanilla?
046. Laugh out loud or chuckle quietly?
out loud
047. Foreign movies....dubbed or subtitled?
048. Last furry thing you touched?
my furbaby
049. Song you listened to?
I don't know
050. Last person you talked to on the phone today?
Jenn C
051. Watched on TV?
the nanny is on right now
052. Compliment you received?
Mike told me I was gorgeous tonight...but besides that, my best compliment is being told i'm a wonderful mom
More random thoughts...
053. What are your first thoughts waking up?
noooooo not yet
054. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
all of them
055. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
eyes and smile
056. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
057. Most memorable experience with a friend?
OOOH can't choose just one
058. Do you believe in soulmates?
I do
059. Do you think that it's possible your heart doesn't give you a choice with whom it falls in love?
Very possible
060. What is something about you that people would be surprised to know?
I'm actually pretty shy
061. What is one thing you've learned about yourself in the last year or so?
I'm stronger than I ever thought I was