Thursday, July 16, 2009

True friends are rare

"When I'm asked what one happy thought is, I always say that no matter how big the fight is I always have a best friend."
I don't even know how to begin this blog...being emotional isn't helping I'm sure. I've heard so many times a true friendship is rare, hold on to it when you find it. It's such a simple phrase, but it is so difficult sometimes to hold a friendship together. It's any relationship, a friendship takes work and loyalty and trust and love. Finding "friends" starts at such a young age...even as a toddler you meet and associate with other peers and say "i love you" to everyone you meet that makes you smile. Just yesterday I took Tristan to swim practice and when we walked through the entrance, a little girl named lily ran up to tristan and said "will you give me a hug?" He did of course and he and Lily later had to be separated because they wouldn't stop talking long enough to listen to the instructors. But woah getting way off original topic here. Ok, so what I'm trying to say is it is so simple for children to make friendships because they're so innocent. There's no judgement, no what if's, nothing at all. It's just simply a you seem nice, let's go play. Such a beautiful thing. But when you start to grow up...there's all the social aspects. How does the person dress? How do they look? Are they in the right crowd? Do they have something in the past that people harrass them about? Should I jump on the bandwagon and cast stones also or stick around and get to know the person? You get the idea. You've been there I'm sure. LUCKILY though, I do have a couple of friends that don't "cast stones" at me for my past mistakes, and i'm sure not for my future ones either. The one that actually inspired this blog knows who she is and she knows she means the world to me. This person whom I CHOOSE to call my best friend is one of the kindest, most loving, funniest, smartest, most beautiful women I know. Her and I have had quite a few ups and downs. Not just in our friendship, but also in our seperate lives the past year a half. Due to others, we've even went months without speaking but I never once stopped considering her my best friend. And she proved it the day Mike deployed...i was feeling so alone that next morning and low and behold I get a text from her telling me she was there for me and she loved me and we went right back to the way things had been prior to stupid boys messing up our friendship. Since then there have been a lot of hard times for the both of us. Times we have cried together, laughed together, plotted murder (hahah joking but it sounded good) and threatened to kick eachothers butts if we apologized to crying or venting ever again :) More recently we've had some more hard moments. As in the past, we both hurt. I mean that's what best friends do right? Miss each other when they're not there correct? If not, then yeah, I'm weird and can't stand the thoughts of not having my best friend a part of my life. It's just not something I like to think about. But anyway, I was straying from the topic again my bad. But once again, we've found our way back. It sometimes takes being scared or getting worried and having to know the other person is ok to mend the friendship. Sometimes it takes a big fight and a lot of tears to make a person realize how much someone means to them. Sometimes it's as simple as just not feeling complete without the person to turn too, even if it's just to tell a funny joke. Either way, the ones who truly matter, the ones who are meant to be in your life are the ones that always pick up the pieces WITH YOU and don't leave you to do it matter how hard things were a few minutes before. THAT IS FRIENDSHIP. And I'm so thankful for the true friendships that I do have..though they are few and far between, they are all worth it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you and value your friendship no matter what you will always be my best friend. i love you

nor will i ever judge you..

people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones lol