Thursday, January 13, 2011

30 Day challege..Day one

Ok so I haven't blogged in FOREVER so I figured I'd do this to get back in the game. Day one, pic of myself and 20 facts:

1. I dream of being a psychologist, hopefully one day it will come true :)

2. I'm terrified, petrified of clowns. Went to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal and "jack" caused me to cry, scream and not be able to breathe. Also chased me b/c he thought it was funny. My bright idea of facing my fear was not the smartest thing I've ever done!

3. I'm totally addicted to Dance Central! Such an awesome game and get a pretty good work out with it. Total WIN!

4. The thoughts of moving to Okinawa causes me to have a panic attack everytime I think about it! And since it's happening in June, I think about it a lot. I don't think my heart can take much more. HELP!

5. I love being a Mom but half the time I feel like I'm just guessing on what to do! However, the kids are great and smart and funny so I guess I'm doing something right.

6. I still think getting a boob job was the best decision I've ever made! I have changed so much (for the better) and feel so much more confident! SO WORTH IT!

7. I always feel like I need to lose more weight, but I know I don't. Social expectations really suck as a female.

8. I dreaded turning 26 but I'm starting to think it's not so bad! I'm doing pretty well! lol

9. I love love love to read. I just got a new book for Christmas and can't wait to curl up and read it (when I finally find the time/quiet/bottle of wine..ha)

10. I totally miss my best guy friend but his new wife has made it impossible for him to be a part of our lives so I guess I just need to get over it! Such is life.

11. I need/want/have to have a job but I can't find one to save my life, I could cry!

12. I'm always looking for the silver lining in everything and when I can't find one (very rare) I get really frustrated.

13. I'm glad Mike isn't deploying this month and feel guilty about it. A lot of his unit is leaving (all but 6) and I hate it for the wives. Weird weird feeling

14. I'm a grammar nazi and it irritates everyone. It even irritates me.

15. I love trashy reality tv. Teen Mom, 16 and Pregnant, BGC, Real Housewives...all of it. But not Jersey Shore, it irritates me to no end

16. Mike and I will be married for 7 years come Monday (jan 17th). It's crazy!

17. I hate working out (hence the love of dance central, don't feel like I'm exercising)

18. It's super hard to think of 20 facts

19. I enjoy being blonde, makes life so much fun. hehe

20. I am out of facts :)